Kosher style usually refers to food that is not kosher, but is a type of food that could be produced as kosher. Generally, kosher style food does not include meat from forbidden animals, such as pigs or shellfish, and does not contain both meat and milk.

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The Pursuit of Happiness

  • 08/28/2020
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  • Pursuit of Happiness, positive thinking, eliminate fears

What is the pursuit of happiness and how do we become truly happy?

Living in Covid-19 has been like wading through unchartered waters. Nobody really knows how to handle this pandemic we are all just trying our best. We must remember that our best is different for everyone, now is the time to be more open and accepting of others and what they are going through.

It is extremely common to become sad and down during these difficult times, so how can we help ourselves?

Firstly, we must stop being so tough on ourselves and on our progress. It’s exhausting to be feeling like we failed because nothing we do lives up to those unrealistic standards that we set for ourselves. We must remember that mistakes provide growth and flaws are what make us unique.

So what is the antidote?

Well, you can start with changing your way of thinking

When we set unrealistic expectations for ourselves we become attached to them. Take a step back and reevaluate who and what makes you happy. Focus on those things instead of everything that causes you pain and anxiety. Stress is not healthy!

Let it go

Stop nitpicking and start being proud of what you have accomplished! If you find yourself constantly going over things you’ve done, and being a perfectionist, let it go! Nothing should ever be perfect. Perfection is unattainable and searching for the unattainable is stagnant.

Always be willing to fail

While failing may be scary, it is how we learn, and when it boils down to it, what are we really scared of? The judgment of others? Sure failing is terrifying, but those who love you will be proud of your efforts, and not judgmental. They’ll probably be judging themselves for not being as brave as you and if they are judgmental than they are not loved ones.

The process of learning something new can be incredibly enjoyable, so never be afraid to start from scratch, you never know what you might find! Every new moment in your life is something to be celebrated especially during a global pandemic!