Kosher style usually refers to food that is not kosher, but is a type of food that could be produced as kosher. Generally, kosher style food does not include meat from forbidden animals, such as pigs or shellfish, and does not contain both meat and milk.

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Keeping A Creative Space During Covid-19

  • 08/22/2020
  • |
  • Covid-19, working from home, rising talents

Once the concept of staying at home seemed relaxing and fun, but now as it’s become more long-term it has shown us how productive we can be if we relieve ourselves of the pressure and just let go.

When the world went into lockdown in March, it was difficult wading through the unchartered waters of Covid-19.

A lockdown for the long haul seemed unfathomable, but after slowly coming to terms with how long this pandemic would linger in our lives, many great things began to come out of it. It gave way time for people to learn new skills.

Some of us attempted to replicate our favorite dishes from that amazing restaurant we used to go to. Practice really makes perfect! 

Some of us made our own gym in our front yards when they realized our place of workout would be closed for many months to come. 

Some of us played games with our families to really cement our bonds with one another, and some of us took time for self-care to appreciate ourselves even more. 

The lockdown really showed us our potential at remaining calm under pressure, to not take ourselves too seriously, but to enjoy life in any way we can, even while being stuck at home.

This pandemic also helped us move our work lives into our homes and learn to keep a creative space flowing. Although it may have been daunting at first, staying creative and busy during such a scary time, but time proved that we could find many things to help keep us awakened and ready to go.

A tidy desk, next to an open window, for a light breeze to help us remain more focused. A vase of fresh garden flowers in the corner, to brighten up our gaze every time we glanced at it. The enchanting scent of freshly brewed coffee to help keep us energized. There are many things we found that we can implement in our home office life to help us continue doing our jobs or individual projects effectively from home. We’ve already seen offices of hundreds keep their workflow going through online zoom calls, hairdressers creating makeshift salons on their porches, restaurants continuing delivery services. 

While there are many benefits of working from home, it can also be quite a lonely process, especially if you do not live with family. Lunch dates are impossible, and working from home means no desk buddies. Thankfully, there are plenty of messaging platforms we can use for instant communication.

Communicating with friends and loved ones is a sure-fire way to help kick your creative juices into gear, make sure to take time to give someone you care for a call.

Finally, regularly taking short breaks throughout the day is important. When we sit in front of a computer it can be difficult to remind ourselves to take a time out to just breathe. Walking around the block, mask included, or around your home is beneficial to stress reduction, and let’s be honest, now more than ever we need new ways to minimize stress as we get used to this new normal.