Kosher style usually refers to food that is not kosher, but is a type of food that could be produced as kosher. Generally, kosher style food does not include meat from forbidden animals, such as pigs or shellfish, and does not contain both meat and milk.

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Have you taken the time to appreciate your love ones?

  • 07/01/2020
  • |
  • Gift Card, digital gift cards, Send a gift to love one, gift idea

Before 2020, everything was normal; everyone has their own routine, job and interest. Not even for a moment we thought that one day everything would be gone. Yes gone! Entertainment industry, restaurants, bars, businesses, parks, ocean, gym, etc., our life stopped overnight. Have you even thought that such thing could happen?  Even though things are coming back slowly to normalcy, it is still way far from us. Today, many people live in fear, fear of COVID-19, fear of people, fear of death, angry at people that do not wear masks. Fear is a low vibration and causes your immunity to decline and more so attract the fear you are thinking about. The key is LOVE. Love yourself, love others, and don’t let anything break your spirit, after all God is greater than any human’s rules. We are all equal and created by his image thus we have the power to change; how we feel and as a result create a healthy living with more peace in life. This time is for us to acknowledge who we are, what is the purpose of going through this and at the same time practice love and gratitude. Everything else will follow.


You can appreciate others in many ways, loving words, a phone call, a greeting card, listen to their pain, hug, help elderly with a simple conversation and whatever in your mind. If you’d to go further and perhaps get gift cards from restaurants, that act would be rewarding to receiver and restaurant owner. As we all impacted from the challenged economy, businesses and especially restaurant owners impacted tremendously during the COVID-19 shut down and now the restrictions.


L4R offers on their website gift cards. Simply click the Gift Card's button and select whether you like a gift card or digital gift card.

For digital gift cards, fill in the receiver's name, certificate amount, and receiver's email and to foster connection and love, there are several phrases to choose from before sending the card. Also, a message box is provided for your personal private message to receiver..


Furthermore, receiver can redeem the digital gift card incrementally. For instance, with a $60 digital card, you can decide to use just $25, and use the rest of the $35 later. Similarly, you can make different orders that cost $60 or more. You just pay anything above $60.


One more thing, card must be presented to restaurants at redemption time to scan the card CODE. The code is located on the card sent to your email after purchasing the card. If a digital gift card amount is greater than the entire order, the balance remains in your digital card for later orders.


This is the time we are forced to stop, time to evaluate our lives and life of others, appreciate more, the little thing and humanity.  A year of expansion and limitation; expansion of our heart and vision and limitation of negativities come from within and from the surrounding. When we give, our heart expands/opens and when we receive we must be grateful, that leads to abundance. It is magical how LOVE works for everyone..